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Tost torta-Toast cake

Tost torta-Toast cake
Tost torta-Toast cake

Potrebno je:

 2 pakovanja tost hleba, potom po zelji ko kakvu voli salamu ili sunkaricu, kolicina takodje po zelji, 1 konzerva mesnog nareska, 2 pavlake, 1 majonez ono vece pakovanje u flasi. Origano, kesica kecapa, 6 kom jaja, 1 teglica kiseli krastavcica, 1 obican krastavac, 2-3 paradajza, 2 paketa tost sira i 300-500 gr narendanog trapista.
Majonez pomesati sa pavlakom i podeliti u 3 cinije. Ostaviti malo mase za kraj.
U prvu  ciniju naseckati krastavac iz tegle.

U drugu ciniju sipati kecapa i naseckati salamice ja sam na male trakice. Sad koliko ko voli - zavisi i od tepsije. 

U trecu ciniju narendati trapist sira malo i narendati jaja.
A 2 jaja ostaviti za kraj.
Potom se stavi red tosta, pa tost sir redom, na to salamica, kolutovi ili listovi.
Pa se stavi smesa prve cinije, zatim tost, pa se stavi smesa druge cinije, pa tost.
Zatim mesni narezaki na to smesa trece cinije.

Zadnji red tosta premazati sa ostatkom mase sa majonezom, gore narendati trapist, narendati 2 jaja, naseckati 2 - 3 paradajza, krastavac svez, posoliti malo i origano posuti.
Ubaciti na 160 stepeni neki 10-tak minuta, da se malo rastopi sav sir

It is necessary:

2 packages toasted bread, then to taste when what loves salami or ham, also amount to taste, 1 can of canned meat, 2 sour cream, mayonnaise 1 that higher packing in the bottle. Oregano, sachets of ketchup, 6 pcs eggs, 1 jar of pickles, one plain cucumber, 2-3 tomatoes, 2 packages of cheese toast and 300-500 g grated Trappist. Mayonnaise mix with sour cream and divided into 3 bowls. Leave a little weight for the place.

In the first bowl cut cucumber from the jar.

In second bowl pour ketchup and cut salami, I'm on small strips. Now as far as who loves - depends on the pan.

In a third bowl grate Trappist cheese and a little grated eggs.

A 2 eggs leave the place. Then he put the row toast, and toast cheese respectively, on this salami, coils or sheets. So you put a mixture of the first bowl, then toast, then put the mixture another bowl, and toast. Then luncheon meat on a mesh of the third bowl. The last row of toast spread with the rest of the masses with mayonnaise, grated trappist up, grated 2 eggs, cut 2-3 tomatoes, cucumber fresh, salt and a little sprinkle oregano. Add to 160 degrees some 10 minutes to a little melted all cheese


Ivana Sakal,

TNX :****

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