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Rolat sa sunkom i povrcem
Roll with ham and vegetables

Skuvati povrce - seckana sargarepa, krompir, grasak. Kad se ohladi umesati majonez, pavlaku i so.

U medjuvremenu poredjati tanko seckanu sunkaricu na tacnu.

Pripremiti kesicu zelatina po uputstvu.

Sunkaricu na tacni premazati zelatinom, ostatak zelatina umesati sa ruskom salatom. Kad se prohladi, namazati smesu na sunkaricu i uviti rolat. Ostaviti na hladnom i pred sluzenje seckati. 

Ideja za lepu dekoraciju uz vasu trpezu.

Cook vegetables - chopped carrots, potatoes, peas. When cooled, mix with mayonnaise, sour cream and salt.
Meanwhile, arrange the thin sliced ​​ham on a platter.
Prepare a bag of gelatin as directed.
Ham on a plate coated with gelatin, stir in the rest of gelatin with micture. When cool, lubricate mixture of ham and roll twist. Allow to cool before serving, chop.
The idea for a beautiful decoration along with your table.



Sanela Krmpotic

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