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Little Balls with potato and sesame seeds- Kuglice sa krompirom  i susamom

Skuhati 500g krompira pa izgnjeciti da se dobije pire. Dodati 1 jaje,so,biber i brasna da se dobije gusto tjesto. Kidati komade tjesta, u sredinu staviti kockicu sira pa oblokovati kuglicu.
Kuglice uvaljati i susam i prziti dok ne porumene.

Zanimljiv set moze da vam posluzi za vedjenje kuglica.

Cook 500g potatoes and squeeze to get mashed. Add 1 egg, salt, pepper and flour to get a thick pastry. Loose the dough pieces, the pass bet cube of cheese and make ball. Balls roll with sesame seeds and fry until golden brown.

Fancy set you can uply on this recipe.


Sanja Lukic, tnx

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