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Musaka na moj nacin-Moussaka on my way

Skuvati krompir ociscen krompir,isecen na kolutove u posoljenoj vodi. Lakse cete ga ocistiti uz ovaj ljustac povrca i voca.

Skuvati jaja.

U tiganju proprziti crni luk seckan na kockice, dodati sveze seckanu papriku, sitno sekcanu sunkaricu i jos malo prziti. Dodati u smesu malo kuvanog paradajza i zaciniti po zelji. 

U vatrostalno posudu, sipati malo ulja i redjati red krompira, red smese sa sunkaricom, red skuvanih seckanih jaja i malo rendanog trapista. 

Redjati redove dok se sve smese ne istose i tad staviti u rernu da se sve zajedno zapece.

Cook potatoes, cleaned, cut into slices in salted water. Makes it easier to clean him up with this peeler fruit and vegetables.
Cook eggs.
In a pan fry onions, chopped into cubes, add fresh chopped peppers, finely CAT ham and fry some more. Add to the mixture a bit of the cooked tomatoes and season to taste.
In a baking dish, pour a little oil and arrange red potatoes, red mixtures with ham, red cooked chopped egg and a little grated Trappist.
Line up the ranks until all the mixture is not easy-to-use and then put in the oven.


Sanela Krmpotic,

TNX :))))

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