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Krem liker sa Nes Kafom-Cream liqueur with instant coffe

Pola litre vinjaka, 3 dcl slatke pavlake, 2 supene kasike meda,1 supena kasika instant kafe,1 kesica 3 u 1kafe,i oko 2 dcl vode

U prokuvanu vodu staviti kafu,med, da se otopi. Kada se ohladi, spojiti, sipati vinjak i slatku pavlaku.Promesati, sipati u flase i drzati u frizideru.
Po ukusu,moze se dodati Jos meda ili secera.

Ako vam je jako gusto mozete dodati po ukusu jos vode ili trajnog mleka.

Posluzite ovaj liker uz predivnu tacnu na slici ispod.


Jasna Arvaji, Tnx

Pint of brandy, 3 ounces of cream, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon instant coffee, 3 in 1 sachet 1kafe, and about 2 ounces of water
In the boiled water to put a cup of coffee, honey, to dissolve. When cool, connect, pour the brandy and cream. Mix, pour into a bottle and refrigerate.
According to taste, can add honey or sugar.
If it is for youur taste, a very thick you can add more water of milk or permanent.

​Serve this liquer whith amasing product down on pics.

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