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Kada dodje vreme leti da se stavlja zimnica, pecenje paprike u nasem domu je neizostavljivo. Najvise je volimo peci na rostilju jer joj je tada specifican ukus. Vecina nas je stavlja u zamrzivace. Ako je zelite lakse oguliti, kad je pecena pokrije se sa krpom, ceka da se ohladi i tek sutradan je ocistite i stavljate u zamrzivac, medjutim u poslednje vreme je ohladjenu neociscenu stavljam u zamrzivac i pre nego je koristim kad se odledi tad je tek ogulim. 

U ovu salatu ide oljustena pecena crvena paprika, iseckan na sitno beli luk, so, sirce i ulje. Sluzi se ohladjena u frizideru uz peceno meso, u nasem domu

When the time comes for the winter store, to be put on,the baking of peppers in our home is unstoppable.We mostly like the roasting on grill because it tastes special then. Most of us put it in freezers.If you want to peel it more easily, when the bakery is covered with a cloth,it is waiting to cool and the next day it is cleaned and placed in the freezer,however,I have recently cooled the unclean to the freezer and before I used peppers, i peel of. In this salad go with red roasted peppers,chopped into small garlic,so, vinegar and oil. Servings are cooled in the fridge with baked meat, in our home.


Draga Simic, TNX

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