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Musaka sa povrcem-

Moussaka with vegetables

In a greased baking casserole, arrange rows of potatoes, onion, then a row of roasted red peppers on it grated garlic, and again the row of potatoes. Season to taste. Stir in the sour cream with the eggs and pour over the moussakas. Bake in the oven.

U podmazani pleh redjati red krompira, red crnog luka, zatim red pecene crvene paprike, na to rendani beli luk, i red krompira. Zaciniti po zelji. Umesati kiselu pavlaku sa jajima i preliti preko musake. Zapeci u rerni.

musaka sa povrcem4
Musaka sa povrcem-2
Musaka sa povrcem-1
Musaka sa povrcem-

Food Grade Mini Digital Thermometer

Recept- recipe 

Danijela Skenderovic Milutinovic, tnx

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