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Glavna jela Main dishes
Glavna jela ako ste probali neki recept, objavite vasu sliku i utiske If you try same recipe from main dishes add picture and expiriance
2SWEET Slatkisi
Slatkisi ako ste probali neki recept, objavite vasu sliku i utiske If you try same recipe from sweet categorie add picture and expiriance
Salate ako ste probali neki recept, obajvite vasu sliku i utiske If you try same recipe from Salad categorie add picture and expiriance
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0English forum
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0Rucni rad-Handmade
Here you can add post about your handmade. Ovde mozete dodati vase rucne radove :)
1Student's Dream
Student need to earn, students need to cook :) If you are student or have blog for student, make same post :)
1Turism Food
If you go somewhere to trip or vacation, take picture from restoran, share with us where is great food :)Also you can take picture of place
Here is all videos from our site on Youtube. Ovde su sva video upustva sa naseg sajta na Youtube.
- Sanela KrmpoticJun 08, 2018YoutubeThis is our Youtube channel, all video you can see here:) Best cream dessert- Najbolji krem desert Best cream dessert- Najbolji krem desert Cake pops Cake pops Punjene kiflice Punjene kiflice Cookies with Cherry- Kolac od visanja Cookies with Cherry- Kolac od visanja Chicken salad with pineapple@Pileca salata sa ananasom Chicken salad with pineapple@Pileca salata sa ananasom Obrok salata- Meal Salad Obrok salata- Meal Salad Meatballs with potatoes- Ćufte sa krompirom Meatballs with potatoes- Ćufte sa krompirom Nelas pie @ Nelina pita Nelas pie @ Nelina pita Ice Cream with only 3 ingredients-Sladoled sa samo 3 sastojka Ice Cream with only 3 ingredients-Sladoled sa samo 3 sastojka Pita-Domaca pita Pita-Domaca pita Kiflice sa semenkama Kiflice sa semenkama Rendani krompir u rerni- Grated potatoes in oven Rendani krompir u rerni- Grated potatoes in oven SOČNA PILETINA IZ RERNE-SOFT CHICKEN FROM OVEN SOČNA PILETINA IZ RERNE-SOFT CHICKEN FROM OVEN Ginger syrup- immune syrup Ginger syrup- immune syrup Rolat od povrca- Roll of vegetable Rolat od povrca- Roll of vegetable Starovinski listici -recept Starovinski listici -recept Gomboci Gomboci pileci bataci i belo meso- chicken meat pileci bataci i belo meso- chicken meat Maffin without flour Maffin without flour Ice Cream with fruit Ice Cream with fruitLike
- praquashJun 08, 2018Student's DreamWhile the students look for various tips on how to save money they often overlook the idea of self cooking which not only save your money significantly but also provide you total healthy food of your own choice with your own ingredients which the dish is made up of. If you compare the price of a rich nice dinner at a great restaurant with the same dishes you prepared in your own kitchen you will notice that it costs only 30% of the total dining expenses that you incurred in the restaurant. Now we will discuss the main factors that holds students back for self cooking are; 1.Lack of confidence on the self ability to cook great dishes(especially male) 2.Unwillingness to devote some time for cooking because students don't find cooking interesting. When discussing the first factor , we find great recipes now a days on website like for hundreds of unique dishes which students can learn as easy as just by reading the recipes and putting the ingredients into the dishes. The second factor requires just a change in mindset.I would suggest it like this.Simply ask a question to yourself. Do you want to earn money? I know the answer is yes. Then you must learn early that "money saved is money earned and money spent is money lost." In some countries students cooking championship is being organized to promote cooking abilities of students. An great Indian Bollywood actor Akshaya kumar started his career as a cook in his early days. Please visit to find out many other great tips for students.Like
- Sanela KrmpoticMay 31, 2018Glavna jela Main dishesProbala sam napraviti vec drugi put Nelinu pitu, prvi put je nestala veoma brzo-deca se odusevila i nisam uspela slikati. Drugi put sam napokon uspela slikati, ubrzo cu objaviti video recept, a evo moje slike- Neline pite Here is video: