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Laka i osvezavajuca Bela torta sa jabukama
Light and refreshing white cake with apples

U vecu tacnu ili tepsiju poredjati Pettit keks, kao podlogu.

 3kg jabuka ocistiti od ljuske, sredinu izbacite.

U vecu posudu izmerite, 3 dl vode,

300 dkg šećera i iseckajte jabuke i kuvati ih dok ne omekšaju. Kada su skuvane, procediti ih i sačuvati taj sok a u njega skuvati 3 kesice pudinga od vanile, bez dodavanja vode. Na keks koji ste lepo poredjali kao podlogu, stavite ove skuvane jabuke, lepo ih svuda ravnomerno raširite,  i odmah zatim preliti vrućim skuvanim pudingom.  Ostaviti da se dobro ohladi.

 Na kraju ide šlag i ukrašavanje po volji,, Prijatno

The larger tray or baking dish arranges the Pettit biscuit, as a substrate.

3 kg of apples, cleaned from the shell, remove the middle.
In a larger bowl, measure, 300 ml water, 300 grams of sugar and chop the apples and cook them until tender. When cooked, drain them and preserve the juice and boil it in 3 bags of vanilla pudding, without adding water. At the biscuit you nice lined as a base, put the cooked apples, nice them all evenly spread, and then immediately pour hot cooked pudding. Allow to cool.
Finally going whipped cream and decorate at will. 


Ivanka Krušic, TNX

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