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Supa Sa Čipetkama-Soup with homemade dough

U vodi skuvati meso, ovde pileci batacici-od krilaca i sezonsko povrce, ovde sargarepa, krompir, grasak, seckani crni luk, prasak belog luka i seckana sveza paprika. Jedno jaje umesiti sa malo vode i brasnom. Treba da je testo poprilicno tvrdo. Kad je povrce i meso kuvano testo testo kidati u male mrvice i ubacivati u kipucu supu. Kad je testo kuvano mozete se posluziti supicom "nasih baka".

In water cook meat-here chicken meat and seasonal vegetable, here carrot, potato, cated onion, peas, red pepper and garlic. With 1 egg, little water and flour(about 80 gr) make dough. Salt as your taste. When vegetable and meat are cooked with hand rend dough and put in soup. When is dough cooked you can eat "soup of our grandmother". 


Sanela Krmpotic

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