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Bela  Nugat Torta- White Nugat Cake


12 egg whites

12 tablespoons sugar

4 tablespoons of ground plasma

2 tablespoons flour

150g minced roasted hazelnut
I cream

7 tablespoons of cornstarch 1 Oz of milk + 400 ml

12 egg yolks

11 tablespoons sugar

150 g white chocolate

250g margarine

150g caster sugar

150 grams of milk powder

2 Cream

200 grams Tucan toasted hazelnuts 150 g chocolate

250 g whipped cream for decoration

150 g whipped cream
A little grated dark chocolate

Step 1

12 egg whites whip with 12 spoons of sugar in a solid snow, add 4 tablespoons of biscuits, 2 tablespoons of flour and 150 g of roasted hazelnuts. Bake in a baking pan covered with baking paper at 200 degrees about 15 minutes.

Step 2

Cream I mix with 12 egg yolks, cornstarch and 100 ml milk. 400 ml of milk and 10 spoons of sugar to put to boil. In the milk starts to boil, add the egg yolks with the density and stir to heat until the cream thickens. In the hot cream to add white chocolate, stir until chocolate melts. Allow thecream to cool down. Margarine mix with powdered sugar, add the prepared cream and milk powder and all blended together well.

Step 3

Cream II: 250 g cream mix with milk. In this add 150g finely grated dark chocolate and crushed hazelnuts.
Step 4
Arrange biscuit, cream 1, cream 2. Mix whipped cream and grated chocolate it and decorate the cake.
I only used the color for edible decoration was interesting and Hello Kitty toys

12 belanaca
12 kašika šećera
4 kašike mlevene plazme
2 kašike brašna
150 g pečenog mlevenog lešnika
 I fil
7 kašike gustina
1 dcl mleka + 400 ml
12 žumanca
11 kašike šećera
150 gr bele čokolade
250 gr margarina
150 gr šećera u prahu
150 gr mleka u prahu
2 fil
200 gr tucanih prepečenih lešnika
150 gr čokolade
250 gr šlaga
Za dekoraciju
150 gr šlaga
Malo rendane crne čokolade

Korak 1

12 belanca umutite sa 12 kašike šećera u čvrst sneg, dodajte 4 kašike keksa, 2 kašike brašna i 150 gr pečenih lešnika. Peći u plehu obloženim pek papirom na 200 stepeni oko 15 minuta.

Korak 2

Fil I Umutiti 12 žumanaca, gustin i 1 dl mleka. 400 ml mleka i 10 kašika šećera staviti da provri. U provrelo mleko dodati žumanca sa gustinom i mutiti na vatri dok se krem ne zgusne. U vruć krem dodati belu čokoladu, dobro izmešati da se čokolada otopi. Ostaviti krem da se dobro ohladi. Margarin umutiti sa prah šećerom, dodati pripremljen krem i mleko u prahu i sve zajedno dobro izmiksati.

Korak 3

Fil II: 250 g šlaga umutiti sa mlekom. U to dodati 150 g sitno rendane crne čokolade i izdrobljene lešnike.

Korak 4

Redjati koru, fil broj 1, fil broj 2.Umutite šlag i njime i rendanom čokoladom dekorišite tortu. 

Ja samo koristila boje jestive kako bi dekoracija bila zanimljivija i Hello City igrackice.


Draga Simic, TNX :)

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