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Punjene Narandze@Stuffed Orange


2 narandže,150 gr.mlevenih oraha. 100 gr šećera u prahu, 200 gr suvog groždja, 1 kesica šlaga.

Priprema se ovako: 

u sud sa mlevenim orasima dodamo malo vode, narandže sečemo na pola i cedimo na cediljku,svaku polovinu narandže zasečemo na donjem delu da dobijemo ravnu površinu.

Orahe stavimo u veći dublji sud i dodamo sok od narandže, šećer u prahu, i suvo groždje. POMEŠAMO.Ovim filom punimo iscedjenu polovinu narandže, a gore stavimo šlag, koji umutimo onako kako piše u uputstvu za šlag. Ukrasimo sa kriškom od jedne narandže....

 Takve polutkice možemo staviti u ukrasne papirne čašice.


2 oranges, 150 gr. ground walnuts. 100 grams of powdered sugar, 200 gr raisin, 1 sachet of wripped cream.
Is prepared as follows:
in court with ground walnuts add a little water, orange we cut in half and squeezing the strainer, each half orange sauce on the bottom to get a flat surface.
Walnuts put in more deeper Court and add the orange juice, powdered sugar, and raisins. Mixed

. Whith this cream we filled squeezed orange half, and put up the whipped cream, which we mix as it says in the instructions. Decorate with a slice of an orange....
Such halves, we can put in decorative paper


Ivanka Krusic, Tnx

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