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Karamelice- Caramel cubes

600 grams of sugar boiled in 2 ounces of water. In another bowl, stir 300 g ground biscuits 300 gr milk powder. When the sugar is cooked, add 1 margarine, ground biscuits and powdered milk. Mixed until all dissolved. When the cream cool pour it into a well greased pan. Pour 200 gr melted white chocolate in a little oil.

600 gr secera uspinovati u 2 dcl vode. U drugu posudu umesati 300 gr mlevenog keksa i 300 gr mleka u prahu. Kad se secer i voda ukuvaju dodati jedan margarin i keks i mleko u prahu, mesati dok se sve ne otopi. 

Kad se krem prohladi na dobro nauljenu tacnu sipati krem i preliti sa 200 gr bele otopljene cokolade sa malo ulja.


Miloradka Mrdak-Balac, TNX

Butter Cake Cream Sandwich Spatula

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