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600 g of chicken white meat, 150-200 g of bacon, onion, cream 1, 1 oz of water, 200 g of the site, spices. Bacon cut into thin sheets and arrange the in-depth casselore.White meat cut into strips and season and roll in flour and put on  bacon. Pour water. Onions chop finely and mix with sour cream and smear meat.Cover aluminum foil and bake 30 minutes at 200 degree.Narendati Trappist and bake another 10 minutes.

600 gr pileceg belog mesa,150-200 gr slanine, glavica crnog luka,1 pavlaka,1 dcl vode,200 gr sajta,zacini. Slaninu iseci na tanke listove I poredjati u dublju tepsiju.Belo meso iseci na trake I zaciniti te uvaljati u brasno I poredjeti preko slanine. Zaliti vodom. Crni luk iseci sitno I pomesati sa pavlakom I premazati meso.Prekriti alu folijom I peci 30 min na 200 stepeni.Narendati trapist I peci jos 10 min


Blazenka Sabo,

TNX :)))))

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