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Nedeljna doza nakita-Weekly dose of  jewelry


Narandzasta boja kombinuje energiju crvene i sreću žute. Ona je povezana s radošću i suncem. Narandzasta predstavlja entuzijazam, fascinaciju, sreću, kreativnost, odlučnost, privlačnost, uspjeh, ohrabrenje i poticaj.

Ljudskom oku, narandzasta je jako vruća boja, tako da daje osjećaj topline. Ipak, narandzasta nije toliko agresivna kao crvena. Povećava opskrbu kisikom do mozga, stvara osjećaj živosti, i potiče mentalnu aktivnost. Povezana sa zdravom hranom i stimuliše apetit. Narandzasta je boja jeseni i žetve. U heraldici, narančasta je simbol snage i izdržljivosti.

Orange color combines the energy of red and happiness yellow. It is associated with joy and sun. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attractiveness, success, encouragement and incentive. The human eye, orange is a very hot color, giving it a feeling of warmth. However, orange is not as aggressive as red. It increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, creates a sense of life, and stimulates mental activity. It is associated with healthy foods and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of autumn and harvest. In heraldry, an orange is a symbol of strength and endurance.





Woman earrings

Woman earrings


Žuta je boja sunca. Povezana je s radošću, srećom, intelektom i energijom.
Žuta ima topal učinak, budi vedrinu, potiče mentalnu aktivnost, i stvara mišićnu energiju. Često je povezana sa hranom. Kada se prekomjerno koristi, žuta može imati uznemirujući učinak, a poznato je da djeca više plaču u žutim sobama.
Žuta se posebno ističe kada se nalazi na crnoj pozadini; ova kombinacija se često koristi za opomenu. U heraldici, žuta ukazuje na čast i lojalnost. Kasnije je značenje žute povezano s kukavičlukom.
Žuta boja sja optimizmom, prosvjetljenjem i srećom. Nijanse zlatnožute nose obećanje pozitivne budućnosti. Žuta se ističe od okolnih boja i uljeva optimizam i energiju, kao i iskru kreativnih misli.
Varijacije žute boje:
Ugašena (tamna) žuta predstavlja oprez, raspadanje, mučninu i ljubomoru.
Svjetlo žuta je povezana sa intelektom, svježinom i radošću.

Yellow is the color of the sun. It is associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy. Yellow has a warm effect, be cheerier, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. It is often associated with food. When used excessively, yellow may have a disturbing effect, and it is known that children cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow stands out when placed on a black background; This combination is often used for warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow associated with cowardice.
Yellow color shines with optimism, enlightenment and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carries the promise of a positive future. Yellow stands out from the surrounding color and flows optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts. Variations in yellow: Off (dark) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness and joy.​

Jewelry Sets

Jewelry Sets

Crvena boja-Red color

Crvena je boja vatre i krvi, povezana je sa energijom, ratom, opasnosću, snagom, moći, odlučnosti, kao i sa strasti, željom i ljubavi.

Crvena je emocionalno intenzivna boja. Pojačava ljudski metabolizam, ubrzava disanje i podiže krvni pritisak. Ima vrlo visoku stopu vidljivosti, i upravo zbog toga su stop znakovi, crvena svetla na semaforu, i oprema za gašenje požara obojeni u crveno. U heraldici, crvena se koristila za označavanje hrabrosti. Ova boja se takđe može pronaći na mnogim nacionalnim zastavama.

Crvena se često koristi kao boja koja stimulira ljude da donesu brze odluke. U oglašavanju, crvena se često koristi kako bi izazvala erotske osjećaje (crvene usne, crveni nokti, red-light districts, ‘Lady in Red’, itd.).

Crvena boja privlači pozornost i upotreba crvene može instantno usmjeriti pažnju na određeni element.

Varijacije crvene boje:

Svjetlo crvena predstavlja radost, seksualnost, strast, osjećajnost i ljubav.
Roza označava romantiku, ljubav i prijateljstvo. Naglašava ženstvenost.
Tamno crvena je povezana sa snagom, voljom, bijesom, ljutnjom, vodstvom, hrabrosti, čežnjom, zlobom, i gnjevom.
Smeđa se veže za stabilnost i označava muške osobine.
Crvenkasto–smeđa je povezana sa žetvom i jeseni.

Red is the color of fire and blood, is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire and love. Red is an emotionally intense color. Boosts human metabolism, accelerates breathing and increases blood pressure. It has a very high rate of visibility, which is why they are stop signs, red lights, and fire-extinguishing equipment painted in red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. This color is explicitly notes can be found in many national flags. Red is often used as a color that stimulates people to make quick decisions. In advertising, red is often used to trigger erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc.). The color red attracts attention and the use of red can instantly focus attention on a particular element. Variations of red: Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity and love. Pink signifies romance, love and friendship. Emphasizes femininity. Dark red is associated with power, will, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath. Brown binds to the means of male and stability characteristics. Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

Owl Watch

Owl Watch

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